Buses and ratings*

Buses of Mexico

Book your tickets online for a discount between 10-50% of the regular price.

Google "Name of the group" and book it now!

NEW - To the USA

Tornadobus (Buses to USA, Chicago/Dalles and much more)

DelRio Bus - (Buses to Oklahoma/Missouri/Nebraska/Minnesota)

Anahuac - Sinola, Durango

AUS - Sinola

* Ratings from own experience.

Guatemalan Buses

El Salvador

How to book?
It's not possible to book buses online. There are many buses who goes everywhere and every 15-30min. 
Every bus is different, one has a lot and an other no legspace, comfortable to uncorfortable...
Prices starts from 0.20$ up to a maximum of 5$ (San Salvador to San Miguel).

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Buses Of Latinoamerica

International Buses

TicaBus - Buses between Mexico and Panama

Transnica - Buses between Honduras and Costa Rica

Cristobal Colon - Buses from Mexico to Nicaragua