09. Querétaro - Mexico

Santiago de Querétaro

01.07.2021 - 06.07.2021

The city

The city is hughe, but the center "Centro Historico" is small and pretty nice.


One day selftour - 05.06.2021

How to get there.

From CityCenter - Take the bus 121, 65, 45, 19 in direction TAQ.

From the Busterminal TAQ of Santiago de Querétaro - Take the Flecha Amarillo Bus or Flecha Azul Bus, it's the only one who gets there. The ticketprice 62 MXN and it takes about 1.5h. You can't buy the tickets online just at the terminal up to 10min before it departures.

What to see?

Peña de Bernal - A small rocky mountain with a perfect view to the area of Querétaro.

Cheesetasting - At "Flor de Alfalfa", try the regional cheese and wine and take a tour at their farm.